Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to initiate positive progress

OK, now it’s our turn, how do we continue this progress? Don’t worry, we can start small. Start by smiling at someone say good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Make sure we teach our boys to be men, and our girls to be ladies. Tell the youth that being angry never solved anything long term. Getting out and meeting our neighbors (not just the ones closest to you). Bring back the village, we work better together. There are very few if any community centers in our areas anymore. Let’s get together in the present to protect our future, our kids should not have to deal with any unnecessary struggles, and if some should come up, lets prepare them by teaching them how to deal with it. Prejudices come in many shapes and forms though most of us are guilty of slight prejudices against our own people. Let’s try to bridge the gap, one day and one person at a time.

Happy Obama day everyone. We may never see this
again in our lifetime !!!!!

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